Is difficult to ignore the fact, auto theft is big business worldwide. This is a multi million dollar operations in North America alone. Much of this is due to the abundance of each type of vehicle and the inadequacy of existing laws. North America has become fertile ground for organized theft rings who know in advance who steal cars. Contrary to popular belief, car theft is not random. These well-educated and trained groups usually have buyers for every vehicle that is targeted and stolen.
Police have limited resources and laws available to effectively battle this ongoing epidemic. They have to prioritize their resources to cause them to focus on crimes against individuals. But the media can be proved that vehicle theft is not a victimless crime as once thought. The terrorists finance their operations around the world from the proceeds of stolen vehicles. Car bombs around the world often have a North American license plate or VIN number. Home invasion and business break and enters are often done with a stolen vehicle. Insurance claims continue to increase, and vehicle theft continues to be number two requests items for insurance tvrtke.Brojke that we do not take into account the various costs associated with vehicle theft. What is often overlooked items such as police stations, doctors, and loss of earnings for individuals and business's. Sometimes, human life is lost. There can never be adequate for the dollar value placed on the death of a loved one, as well as the associated human suffering and grief that follows.
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