Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) - Cars with TPMS installed will have a warning light on the instrument panel that illuminates when the tires become significantly under inflated, so you can blow outs should be avoided. All cars manufactured after September 2007 are TPMS. If you want to TPMS in your car and shopping around for a used Landrover and then look for models made in 2007 and beyond.
Anti-lock brakes (ABS) - ABS prevents the wheels locking the car during panic or emergency breaking. It allows the driver to slow down in the more controlled manner and have a better chance of avoiding accidents.
Electronic stability control (ESC) - If you oversteer or more to correct the steering wheel while driving, ESC prevents the car from spinning by applying brake force to one or more wheels as necessary .
Adaptive cruise control / collision mitigation - goes beyond the traditional cruise control maintain speed, adaptive cruise control uses sensors and radar to adjust speed of the vehicle to make it safe distance from cars ahead, it should slow down traffic or someone cut in. Once at a safe distance has been restored, the original speed will be raised without driver input.
Car safety features should not be overlooked, to make sure that if you are looking to buy a new car, you know which security features are available and those that want to include in your vehicle.
While some auto safety features can increase the price of your vehicle, you can really put a price on safety?
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